
Duke User Guide

Duke is for those who prefer to use a desktop application to schedule their tasks. Its Command Line Interface(CLI), paired with a Graphical User Interface(GUI) gives fast typers the convenience of quickly logging their tasks into the scheduler without sacrificing clear visuals.


Add tasks to list

Ask Duke to store three different types of tasks!

Find tasks by keywords or date

Ask duke to help you find tasks by giving it a keyword or a date!

Delete tasks / Mark tasks as done

Ask Duke to help you delete tasks or mark them as done!


start - Loads tasks from storage and welcomes you

Example of usage: click start button

todo - Adds a todo task to list

Usage: todo taskname

Example of usage: todo eat

deadline - Adds a deadline task with specified deadline to list

Usage: deadline taskname /by YYYY-mm-DD HH:mm

Example of usage: deadline sleep /by 2020-12-24 12:30

event - Adds a event task with specified date to list

Usage: event taskname /at YYYY-mm-DD HH:mm

Example of usage: event cry /at 2020-12-19 02:30

done - Marks task corresponding to the task number as done

Usage: done tasknumber

Example of usage: done 3

delete - Deletes task corresponding to the task number

Usage: delete tasknumber

Example of usage: delete 3

find - Finds tasks containing to the keyword

Usage: find keyword

Example of usage: find eat

viewschedule - Finds tasks for the date specified

Usage: viewschedule /at yyy-MM-dd

Example of usage: viewschedule /at 2020-12-12

list - Shows list of tasks

Example of usage: list

help - Shows list of commands

Example of usage: help

bye - Saves tasks to storage

Example of usage: bye



Code adapted from: https://github.com/se-edu/duke

JavaFX and Gradle tutorials: https://github.com/nus-cs2103-AY1920S2/duke/tree/master/tutorials


Sir Stamford Raffles: https://images.app.goo.gl/hgqEWxuUCbWCVobe9

Cardi B: https://images.app.goo.gl/EdPirJexwxZo6N769

Marble Background: https://images.app.goo.gl/uh8rAFLTeh219GKA9